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'Missing prototype" error .

When I select build, I get a 'Missing Prototype' error with the word 'SineWave' highlighted.
This was a working program, written several years ago by another progammer. I went back into the original program and attempted to recompile with no changes made to the code.

        static double Phase;
        SineWave (20000, 0.5, 1.0/20000, &Phase, sinwave);
        //Triangle (2000, 1.5, sinwave);
        for (x=0; x<20000; x++) {
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Message 1 of 7

Hello Linwood.

Pull down the Options Menu and select Build Options. In the Build Options window there is a check box that says "require function prototypes". It's located in the "Compiling Errors and Warnings" frame. Unchecking this option should solve your problem.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7
Thanks for the hint.
In the version I am using (ver 5.0), there was an option under "Options; Complier Options;  Require function Prototypes.
I unchecked it, selected build, and it came back with: 'project link error"  undefined symbol  'Sinewave referenced in  "myprogram.c"
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Message 3 of 7
At the risk of stating the obvious, SineWave is not the same symbol as Sinewave...
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Message 4 of 7

Oops. That was a posting typo. It is supposed  to be 'SineWave'


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Message 5 of 7
Although you say you are trying to recompile the original code before modifying it, is it possible that the disc location of the source has changed since the (presumably successful) original builds? If so there may be a link to library and/or header files that is now considered missing by the CVI environment, which would lead to similar symptoms to those you describe.
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Message 6 of 7
Yes. The flies were moved from the original computer due to a disk crash. This sounds like the root cause of my problem.I will verify the links.
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Message 7 of 7