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ok  my program dont wont to end , after the comport is not open, it continues and keep running the for completely

 the program suppose to shut down after the first error


can some one assist me?

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Message 1 of 4

yes, that's true it does not end, i can see it only by reading the code.

and no, it is not supposed to end after the first error...


you wrote:


     status_check = OpenComConfig (physical_port, "COM10", baudrate,             
                                   parity, databits, stopbits, inputq, outputq);




please, place a breakpoint into your switch_errors() function, then use the "step" function until the end of the software to see what is happening.


it seems you misunderstood the meaning of the return keyword (once again, i will point you toward a good programming course...). the return keyword makes the program exit the current function, in your case it exits switch_errors(), but the program continues to execute where the function was called, in your case it executes the for loop just after the switch_errors() call.


(by the way, the return keyword has the same meaning in C++... if you see what i mean...)

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Message 2 of 4

now that i think about it, exit(0); will work.  it works.


i always new that return 0; mean the program ended successfully

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Message 3 of 4
This discussion started in another thread: I think it is better to maintain only one discussion open on this subject.
Message Edited by Roberto Bozzolo on 10-04-2009 11:11 PM

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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