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external process failed to load properly(0xc0000017)

When I attempt to run my LabWindows 8.5 executable, either in debug or release mode, I receive the following errors:

Application Error window 1
The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000017). Click on OK to terminate the application.

The next window states:
Fatal Run-Time Error
The external process failed to load properly. Verify that all DLLs used by the debuggee were installed in the path.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Message 1 of 8



what happens if you compile and run one of the sample programs? This might tell you if the problem is related to your application or to the installation of CVI. Which command causes the error? You may find out e.g. using breakpoints.


Hope these very general suggestions may help a bit,



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Message 2 of 8



Other executables are working fine. only this one.


To test withbreak points also, the application's execution control is not even entering to the main fucntion. But when i exclude one dll and a function call, it is working fine. But the same function function call and the dll working with other executables.


Is there any other way to check this?




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Message 3 of 8

Are you sure that the dll can be found by the application? Where is it located?

Normally DLLs are either located in the same directory as the executable or in one directory in the DLL search path: is your dll located in one of these directories?

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Message 4 of 8

My Executable and the DLL both are present in the same path. Even i tried setting the PATH environmental variable to have the DLL path. But still facing the same issue.


Appreciate any other suggestions.

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Message 5 of 8

Maybe the DLL in turn expects to load further DLLs, which might be missing (did you create the DLL or is it from a third party?). Dependancy Walker (depends.exe) is a good tool for finding all DLLs used by an application or another DLL.



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Message 6 of 8

I walked through the dll using dependency walker and found an error message like "MSJAVA.dll" opening error. This is not used any where in my DLL. Is this really needed for this?


Any other trials i can do?

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Message 7 of 8

When I ran profiler from dependency walker on my executable got the error "Second chance exception 0xC0000017 (No Memory) occurred in "NTDLL.DLL" at address 0x7C9666C6." what does this mean?



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Message 8 of 8