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just created a distribution, and...'s 170 MB (compressed). An earlier version of this program that I built in May was more like 22 MB.


What on earth could I have done to cause this? I do notice in my volume subdirectory, there are a bunch of pNN directories, each of which have at least one .cab and one .msi file. Does this sound right?



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Message 1 of 4



I have a couple of questions. What have you changed/added to your program since you last built the distribution? Are you building a debuggable distribution? Is this a .exe? .dll? Have you updated any software/drivers or included any other drivers since then? Some more information would greatly help in trying to figure out what is going on. Thanks for posting!



Daniel G.
Semiconductor & Wireless
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

...and I have a comment: did you check what checkboxes you have marked in the Drivers and Components tab? I vaguely remember that after upgrading I saw more boxes checked than in CVI 2012, e.g. Dev Support which is not needed in my case, for example

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Message 3 of 4

Hey, guys -


Thanks for the replies. It does indeed seem to be related to the Drivers & Components section, specifically the Shared Run-Time Engine. There's some stuff in there that was enabled by default, that I don't think was in my last version of the code. Tsk, tsk on NI...


What's odd is, I started selecting/deselecting options, and it went from something like 180 down to 10, but...I couldn't make it go back up to 180 again, even after re-selecting everything that I'd changed. There's some behind-the-scenes mystery here.



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Message 4 of 4