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remote view labwindows cvi running on linux

I need to write a program for linux, displaying parameters of a connected measurement system which screens can be viewed remotely on any computer. 


I am very new to LabWindows CVI and don't know where to find some clue. I have spent last weeks looking for some solutions but can't find what I need. I know that it can be done, as an engineer leaving a company have said that he was doing something like that on windows platform.


The problem:

I have a computer connected to the measurement system running on linux. The main purpose of the computer is to display a status of the system through different scrreens. The program is written with LabWindows and compiled with CVI linux run time module. 

Now, there need to be added a functionality, that the screens can be viewed remotely through the internet, so the system can be monitored. I would do it through virtual network computer (VNC) but there is requirement that whoever connects to the system can't have posiblity to change it. VNC gives too much privileges. The company does want it from the software.


My question is:

- Where should I start looking for the functionality of remotely connecting to the software written in LabWindows CVI?

- Does solution work for any platform, can I complie software written in windows to run on linux and have this funtionality?

- As I am very new to LabWindows is there any trap I should be aware for this solution (which will save me problems in future)?


The question is general, but I have spent time browsing internet and can't find resources to start with. Thanks in advance

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Message 1 of 4
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Message 2 of 4
Thanks for your link, could you please advise me where to progress? The program is running on Linux, I need to view it remotely. I don't have a problem with Linux in general but with remote view and it is labWindows CVI not labView.
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Message 3 of 4

Can you start the program remottely ? Then either install an Xserver for Windows ( like Xming

) if it is a GUI program or a ssh client (like Putty

)  for a command line program.

Another option would be instaling a VNC server on linux and a VNC client on Windows.

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Message 4 of 4