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[solved] NI-VISA wrong ELFCLASS on gentoo

Hello all,


i'm new to the user group and not an expert of Labview. I'm trying hard (for two days now) to install Labview on a gentoo multilib distro. I've removed and reinstalled all the stuff for several times now and I'm running out of new ideas of howto install labview. It should run together with a PCI 6229 - Card.


I've started with NI-VISA 17.0.0 for Linux.


The installationprocess did finish. I've updated the kernelmodules, and they are all loaded.


Here is lsmod:


Module                  Size  Used by
nipxifpk               53978  0
nipxigpk               13306  0
nipxirmk              278376  2 nipxifpk,nipxigpk
nimxdfk               419927  2 nipxifpk,nipxigpk
nimdbgk               300916  4 nipxifpk,nipxigpk,nipxirmk,nimxdfk
NiViPciK               70373  0
NiViPxiK               17909  0
nidimk                310569  2 nipxirmk,NiViPxiK
niorbk                 64537  6 nipxifpk,nipxigpk,nipxirmk,nimdbgk,nimxdfk,nidimk
nipalk                909346  9 nipxifpk,nipxigpk,nipxirmk,NiViPciK,NiViPxiK,nimdbgk,nimxdfk,nidimk,niorbk
nikal                  65240  9 nipxifpk,nipxigpk,nipxirmk,NiViPxiK,nimdbgk,nimxdfk,nidimk,nipalk,niorbk

1) Problem


Running visaconf I get the following error message:


Can't load library /usr/local/lib/
/usr/local/lib/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
To download the LabVIEW Runtime engine, go to

Well, it tells me to install LabVIEW2015RTE_Linux.tgz. I did this in my first installation cycle, but the error stays the same.


Any hints on this ?


Smiley Happy Please have a look at the spoiler, there is an update:


64bit Libraries are stored in /usr/local/lib/LabVIEW-2015-64/
the links found by ls -l in /usr/local/lib were pointing on the 64bit variant:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Jan 19 12:21 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Jan 19 12:21 -> LabVIEW-2015-64/

so I removed and made a new link within /usr/local/lib/ using:

ln -sf LabVIEW-2015/

visaconf is up and running 😉



2) Problem


Running lsni64 gives:


Scanning localhost for devices... failed to initialize
Perhaps you need to run updateNIDrivers

I've found a 32bit version an 64bit version:



 Smiley Happy Please have a look at the spoiler, there is an update.


I had to start: /etc/init.d/nipal start ... This gave me:

lsni64 => ...
Scanning localhost for devices...

System Configuration API resources found:


Again, any hints on this ?


I did no go any further with the installation during my actual cycle of the installation procedure cause I can say this will not  change if I will install Labview 2015,  nidaqmxbase-15.0.0 and LabVIEW2015RTE engine, as I did in the installation cycle before.


I hope, you can give me any hints 😉


Have fun,



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hello, any chance to use CENTOS 7.4?


For me this is the best linux with labview.


Please let me know.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hey vphino13,


this might happen one day, right now I don't want to give up 😉





0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Hello All,


i've added the solutions to the spoilers in the first message 😉


Have fun,



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