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64 bit libraries

Hi All
recently i downloaded Vision 8.2.2 Acquisition Software for windows vista x64. it is working fine with NI 1422 device . now i want to migrate my 32 bit application to 64 bit application . but i can not load 32 bit NI libraries in 64 bit application. Is there any solution for this or may be i am doing something wrong?  are there 64 bit libraries available from NI. i am developing application in Visual c++ 6.0.
Faisal Nadeem
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hey Faisal,

We currently do not support 64-bit applications and do not have any 64-bit libraries for you to link with.  This feature is on our roadmap to be supported in the future.  Unfortunately until that time you will not be able to load imaq.dll from a 64-bit application.

To build a true 64-bit application you will also need a newer compiler from the Visual Studio 2005 product line.  For your application, I'd suggest Visual Studio Express: Visual C++ but only because it's a free download.


Ryan F.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Applications with 64 bit support seem to come 2009.




Subject: Re: Is NI-DAQmx supported as true 64-bit mode in Vista x64?
Author:drohacek (Proven Active Veteran)
Date:01-05-2009 10:45 AM




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Just to clarify merano's comment:


NI-IMAQ has supported 64-bit since version 4.0 of the driver.  You can get this support with Vision Acquisition Software version 8.5.1 and newer.  Vision Acquisition Software 8.6.0 is currently the latest release.



Ryan F.

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Message 4 of 4