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Baslar A504k Area Scan Camera

The new Baslar A504k camera is out and is not supported by the IMAQ 1428. Are there other framegrabbers out there that have Labview drivers ? (or if you work with NI, is there a faster framegrabber coming to the market soon ?)
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Message 1 of 4
The Basler A504k is a 1024 x 1280 @500 fps (color or 8-bit) which is the Full Camera Link specification. This amount of data cannot be captured by a regular PCI Framegrabber (such as NI's 1428). NI is a profit based company, and realizes that very few people need this much data from a camera, so they have not developed a framegrabber that can perform with the A504K in its full mode. The 1428 may be able to read some of the frames from the 504K but certainly not all of them.

One other thing to remember is that Full Camera link specification cannot ever be achieved on a PCI based system, the framegrabber must be PCI-X or something that can handle the ~650 Mb/sec that the camera is capable of putting out.

Chris Davis
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Message 2 of 4
You can use the PCi-1429e. It works fine!
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Message 3 of 4

Just so everyone knows... This thread is a bit old and CSD's posting above is no longer correct.

Currently, National Instruments sells the PCIe-1429 which can handle Full Configuration (i.e. Maximum Bandwidth) CameraLink cameras.  The PCIe-1429 works in x4 PCI Express slots and is able to reach Full Configuration bandwidth levels because of the huge increase in bandwidth allowed by PCI Express compared to the traditional PCI slot.

NI PCIe-1429

Lorne Hengst
Application Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 4