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CVS 1454 Decision Making Step

We are having some queries with CVS 1454. One is the decision making step and the other is the Logo:

1- We acqire 24 VDC trigger on one Isolated input of CVS. Give out a corresponding 5 VDC trigger on one of the outputs to a Prosilica EC640 camera running in Format 7 Mode0.

2- Based on the image processing algorithm, we give out a rejection signal (through a decision making step) on one of the Isolated Outputs of the CVS.

3- The decision making step involves all the steps in the algorithm and the camera timeout signal.

Now we need to know:

A- The problem here is, when the camera trigger times out, the CVS gives out a rejection signal, even if the machine is idle. We do not want this. There should be NO rejection signal when the machine is idle. But we cannot control this. The image processing steps always FAIL when the camera trigger times out. This is always happening even if we put an OR logic [ (image processing steps) OR (trigger timeout) ]. We need to know if there is a method for the CVS to neglect the 'Trigger Timeout' and ONLY consider the last image from the camera??? This way, there will be NO rejection signal if the object PASSes the image processing steps even if the machine is idle and the camera trigger times out.

B- Is there a way to change the Logo on the VGA monitor at CVS startup?

Any help shall be highly appreciated.


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Message 1 of 3
Using an external LabVIEW step will be the only way to bypass the time out error.  You can have the LabVIEW step wait for a ready input and when it does get the ready have it acquire the image and pass it back to VBAI.  This is a similar question to one posted at the link below.

trigger 1454

Also, changing of the NI logo at startup on the monitor is not possible.  The logo is written on the EEPROM in our factory and is not changeable by end users.
S. Arves S.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 2 of 3

Dear Arves,

Thanks for your response. I will try out your suggestions and shall get back if necessary.


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Message 3 of 3