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Can an inspection be good & run using only VBAI?



So we have a project and my question is , can an inspection be valid ( run-able , idk if that is a word ) in real-time using only VBAI or we need other software too?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hi Andrionn,


Thanks for reaching out. I'm a little bit unsure what your question is admittedly. Could you speak more to your application, what you mean by valid, and if you mean using a real-time operating system, or continuous inspection. Once we have this information, it may be easier to answer your question.

Keddy C.
Staff Software Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Using VBAI on your host to connect to a target running VBAI, you can create your inspection and set it up as a startup inspection. This is done through Configuration mode in the menu option Target>>Configure Target Options and then in the Startup category. This will enable the inspection to start running the next time the target reboots, without a host needing to be connected to the target.


Hope this helps,


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

I meant that , if the soft is good for our project ( which is in the prototype stage ) for detection of defects , do we need LabVIEW and the other softs to work properly ( to complete the VBAI ) or can the VBAI perform an inspection alone and put into use , I'm just getting familiar with VBAI on evaluation version for now. And yes , on a real-time operating system running an inspection continuously , the objects come , the camera captures the image , VBAI makes the inspection , outputs if it's good or not and continues the process with the next objects that'll come.

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Message 4 of 7

Oh, I see. Yes so VBAI can be deployed to run inspections externally, but you will need a run-time license for each computer you put it on. It's standalone from LabVIEW. Here's a document showing hardware requirements for Real-Time VBAI inspections:

Keddy C.
Staff Software Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

If you already have a VI that your inspection calls without issues, you don't need LV installed on your machine for the VBAI inspection to successfully use it. You only need LV if you want to edit the VI.


Hope this helps,


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Sorry for the late reply , and thank you for the explanations , from both of you !

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7