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Color classifier problems from Vision Builder for Automated Inspection

We are running Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2009 SP1, on a Windows 7 Professional PC.


The problem that we are having is that when we undertake a color classify step, it gives a result which looks incorrect (for example yellow), but when we open the step at that point, and check what color it has been classified as it gives a completely different color answer and score, which makes sense.  We have tried changing the classifier and reopening VBAI, and sometimes this fixes the problem, and other times it doesn't.


The Classifier software stand alone appears to work perfectly, but when called from VBAI, it seems to give random results.  Has anyone else seen this behaviour?


Any help, thoughts would be greatly appreciated.





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A bit more information we are using the color classify step a number of different times in the VBAI sequence, both with same library, and with different color classifier library files.  I don't know whether this is related, but it could be.


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Message 2 of 3

Could you send a small example inspection with images and classifier files to demonstrate the problem.




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