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Error from IMAQ USB Grab Setup in executable

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I created an executable that returns


Error 1074396024 occured at IMAQ USB Grab

IMAQ Vision: Minimum coverage value should be greater than zero.


I developed the executable on a 32 bit machine with LabVIEW 2009 and the Vision Development Module 2012 SP1. The target computer has LabVIEW Vision Development Module 2012 and LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2009 SP1 (32-bit Standard).


Other people on the forum have had this error, and I tried everything they suggested. I continue to get the error. I have also tried downloading IMAQ and Vision Aquisition Software, but I get the same message. Some people have had problems with versions of LabVIEW in different languages, but I am only using english. Is this problem caused by not having the correct run-time engines?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hello Eckman,


Do you have the Vision Development Module Run-Time Engine (VDM RTE) installed on your target machine? You will need the RTE to run vision applications as a deployed executable. 


Vision Development Module Run-Time Engine 2012 SP1


Please let me know if you install the run-time engine (or already have) an still receive the same error message.



Ian K.
Software Developer
Data Ahead AG
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

I do have th vision RTE on the target machine. It was included in the Vision Development module.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Do you have both VDM and VDM RTE installed on the target computer? Typically having both installed will cause a licensing error, but it might be something to check. If you do have both installed, try uninstalling VDM and only installing VDM RTE.



Ian K.
Software Developer
Data Ahead AG
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

I uninstalled the vision software and reinstalled only the vision RTE and I get the same error code, but with a different message. See the attacehd picture.Capture.PNG

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Message 5 of 7
Accepted by topic author Eckman

So apparently uninstalling the Vision Development Module strips the error description for your error code. I think we should focus on the "IMAQ Vision:  Minimum coverage value should be greater than zero" error. Can you run your application successfully in the development environment? Are you using the same camera in both the development environment and in deployment? Are the camera attributes exactly the same? What troubleshooting steps did you try previously to resolve the issue? Are you using NI-IMAQ or NI-IMAQdx?



Ian K.
Software Developer
Data Ahead AG
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

It must have been a problem with IMAQ. The NI website said, if I understood them, that the VDM 2009 included IMAQ, but I couldn't find it in the target computer. I downloaded IMAQ seperately and my program worked. What's strange is that I uninstalled and reinstalled everything to make sure it worked again and the second time my program worked without downloading IMAQ separately. So I guess I must have installed a version of the VDM the first time that didn't have IMAQ. Either way, it's working now. Thanks so much for your help!

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Message 7 of 7