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IMAQ - Acquire 10-bit images???

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Hello All,


I'm trying to acquire 10-bit images from our Basler acA2000-340km camera but it keeps timing out.  I am properly creating a 16-bit(Int16) buffer for the acquired image.  However whenever imgSessionAcquire is called, a timeout error(-1074397150) is occurring.


I am doing all development in C++/VisualStudio 2010.  


Can someone please help out with this?

Thank you.

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Message 1 of 3

Are you sure the camera is configured with an appropriate tap configuration for 10-bit mode? If not you may not be getting enough data. Generally these types of issues are best to debug by first getting the acquisition working correctly in MAX and an example app and then transition to your own code.



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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author brianbat

Hello Eric,


I took a look in the NI camera file and discovered that my pixel bit depth serial command was wrong.  I fixed it and then was able to acquire the images.  However the images are not being saved as 16-bit, only 8-bit.  I will submit another issue on this.



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