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IMAQ Inspection error, -1074396074 and IMAQ Error Dialog?


I have an error message that I know I have seen in years past and can not remember how to fix it. I am currently using IMAQ 2.6, Vision 7.0 and LabVIEW 7.0, but the code was initially developed in LabVIEW 6.1 and Vision 2.2.1 I believe. The executable has been running for over a year and hasn't seen any problems lately. The problem is that I can not debug the exe and I can not reproduce the error in my development code.

I am recieving the error through a 'custom' error dialog as it has 3 buttons of Continue, Stop, Why Not Found (see attached). I believe that the error is occuring in an IMAQ Vision function and something in the DLL is showing the dialog. I searched for the simple error handler and the general error handler and they are not present.

I am hoping that some of the 'experienced' IMAQ Vision developers may remember from years past where this IMAQ Inspection error may be occuring and how I can track it down. I have narrowed the scope somewhere inside my subroutine composed of 85 VIs, but its a lot to try to debug without replication of the actual error in development code.


--Kevin Shirey
Kevin Shirey | CLA | Champion | Senior Project Engineer II | DMC
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Message 1 of 3
Hi Kevin,
The Incompatible Image Size error is usually caused by either an empty image being passed into an image processing function or by passing images of different sizes into a function that requires images of the same size, for instance a mask and source image.  There is also the possibility that another function is returning an empty image which is causing this error.  If this is the case, the .exe will be even more difficult to debug.
Ryan M.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3
Thanks Ryan,

I am going to be putting in some catch VIs to know where the first error occurs after any IMAQ function. When an error occurs, I will show the error, the call chain and a unique step ID that will help aide me in finding where the error occured in the block diagram. I think thats the easiest way using an EXE right now. Thanks for the help! I am going to see where the error occurs to know how to solve the problem. Thanks for the input.

Kevin Shirey | CLA | Champion | Senior Project Engineer II | DMC
0 Kudos
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