Machine Vision

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Image processing using vision assistant

I am doing a project on OCR using LabVIEW.It takes the input of corrected papers and scans them, extracts the roll number, marks obtained in each section performs OCR.the results are written into excel file.

I got stuck with the training of character set.

Suggest me some resources to learn those things.exam paperexam paper


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Message 1 of 4

Hi ramya850,

 Based on your picture, It seems some number are handwritten. I don't think it is suitable for OCR and maybe you could search how to do handwritten digit recognition on the internet. Most of methods are through machine learning. Good luck 






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Message 2 of 4
Can you suggest me some resources for learning machine learning concepts (ICR)using LabVIEW?
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Message 3 of 4

I recommend you can use LabVIEW-Vision to cut, crop and pinpoint of the number you want. After you get cropped digital number (same height and width), I suggest you to learn some python to do handwritten analyze. There are more toolkit in python and exchange data between two language by python node. For junior level, you can find solution at scikitlearn website ( For higher level, you can search deep learning of handwritten digits on the internet. Good luck.




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Message 4 of 4