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Loss frames in image aquisition (60-120Hz )

My system has a duo core processor and I´ m having problem to acquiring (60 and 120Hz) and save frame in AVI movie, because frames are lost. I ran the  example and the problem minimize but not work so fine. How can I know if two threads are working?

Is it necessary set something in LabView?

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Message 1 of 3

Which camera you are using?.... Which version of LabVIEW?...  Its doesn't matter about your PC configuration but you should have a camera with a good frame rate... Post all the details will help us to get you out...


Smiley Wink


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks to answear me because Smiley Sad the problem stay alive.

Ok, now I have more information than only configuration of my system, but let´s begin with the configuration:

Labview 8.5 with IMAQdx 3.1.0

My camera it´s a firefly  PTgrey - firewire 400MB and I use the timestamp and frame count information to see the problem.

Now, I did some tests with different approaches and in all cases the results were the same. The loss of frame only happen if the frames are recorded on a real time.

To get in this conclusion I installed a virtual disk (RAM memory) in my computer I recorded in a real time and the frames weren´t lost.

I think that problem happens because the camera and the disk needing the IO bus and during the write operation the IO bus it´s locked to camera. I don´t know it´s the solution, but I would like make a test changing the file size buffer of Vista SO, but I don´t know if it´s possible and how make it.



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Message 3 of 3