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NI-MAX GigE camera not discovered

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Ok, thank you for all of your help!

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Message 11 of 32

Ok, now I am not seeing the camera in LabView.  I have an initialization vi (attached), where even if I type the name of my camera that I see in MAX, an error for the "Open" is produced for camera not found.  

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Message 12 of 32

Is your camera not showing up in the dropdown box that wires into Open Camera VI?

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Message 13 of 32

It does not show in that dropdown box.

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Message 14 of 32

And you are sure that the camera shows up and is usable in MAX?  The camera list in LabVIEW and MAX should never get out of sync like that. 

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Message 15 of 32

Here is my view in MAX.  The drop down box only shoes "cam5","cam6","cam7".  My camera is "cam0" as shown in MAX.  I have used MAX to acquire images with this camera.

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Message 16 of 32

If you look in "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" for "niimaqdx.dll", right click it, properties, details, note the version number.


Now do the same for "C:\Windows\System32" niimaqdx.dll.  The version numbers should match.  If they do not match, the install is in a bad state.

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Message 17 of 32

They match.

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Message 18 of 32

Hmmm... that's not good.  Well, it is good that they match, but I was sure that could be your problem.  As a sanity check, can you see if the camera enumerates (shows up in the dropdown box) in 32-bit version of LabVIEW? 


C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2015\LabVIEW.exe

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Message 19 of 32

It's not there when I run it using that file.  I believe I was already running the 32-bit version.

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