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NI RAID 8263 speed/noise problem

Wondering if anybody else has seen this. We built a GIGE image acquisition system awhile ago with the NI RAID at its core. The system was constantly plagued by low write speeds causing lossed images, and I could never figure out what part of my code was causing this. I began looking at the hard drive recently, because I couldn't find anything in the code that I could improve vastly to get form my erratic sub 100 MB/s write speed that I was getting to the expected 200 - 300 MB/s speed.


The unit was noisy since we purchased it, but I had never thought much about it. Turned out to be a fan rattling around because of a cheap mounting design, and once this fan was secured, the write speed immediately improved to a consistent 200+ MB/s. Wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself.



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