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Pattern matching- get best match



I am trying to find a way to use the pattern match tool to get the best match of a group of parts.  Once I get the best match I need to apply other vision tools to the best matched part to get a proper orientation for a robot pick operation.


Right now this is what I am doing:

1) Get matches to pattern (usually I get about 6)

2) Assign coordinate system to first match (would love to be able to assign to best match but can't find a way to do it).

3) Apply other vision tools to first match to find small part feature to get part orientation for a pick operation.

(This method works most of the time but I need to improve it.  If I could use the best match instead of the first match, then I think my success rate would improve greatly.)


I know I can get an array of matches and then search the array to get the best match but I can't figure out how to do this while staying in a NI Vision routine.  Is there a way to choose the best match while still in a vision routine, or is there a way to apply a coordinate system to a match after leaving NI vision and returning to LabVIEW so that when I reenter NI vision, I can apply that coordinate system to the best match part from a previous pattern match?


Thank You

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Message 1 of 3

Hey Vimes,


Are you trying to do Pattern Matching in VBAI, Vision Assistant or LabVIEW?


Best regards,

Ryan B.
Technical Support Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

I'm using Vision Assistant and LabVIEW.  NI support replied to me and said if I set the number of requested matches to one, then it will report back the best match.  That has helped somewhat.  I still have issues with getting pattern match boundaries to land in the proper place but that's a different issue.  Thanks.

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Message 3 of 3