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RTSP cctv hikvision as a input for image processing

I have a problem to connect my CCTV for image processing at LabVIEW. I tried to connect my camera but my camera has an RTSP URL not HTTP, can anyone help me with this. I can do my program with my webcam-built in a camera from my laptop and it was fine. but when I try to connect my VI to my IP camera, I don't know how to do it, since they cant appear to MAX Devices and Interfaces. Please help, Thank you

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Message 1 of 3

You could try something like this:


Theoretically this will wrap your RTSP camera into a DirectShow device that should just work with IMAQdx.

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Message 2 of 3

@BlueCheese wrote:

You could try something like this:


Theoretically this will wrap your RTSP camera into a DirectShow device that should just work with IMAQdx.

Hi, thank you so much for your suggestion, now my NI MAX can detect my camera, but is it normal when I start to use ipcam driver it always goes to not responding?

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