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Running Multiple Vision Builder Inspections Simultaneously from Command Prompt

Dear All,

Is it possible to start running multiple VBAI inspections in parallel using command prompt? I know it's possible by just clicking on the vbai files. If so, what's the correct command to do this? Thank you.


The closest I'm using is "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Vision Builder AI 2015\Vision Builder.exe" \inspect "C:\Users...\Program1.vbai" & "C:\Users...\Program2.vbai". However, it opens program1 in inspection mode and program2 in configuration mode, how to change this so that both are in inspection mode when ran? Thank you.

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Message 1 of 2

By using "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Vision Builder AI 2015\Vision Builder.exe" \inspect "C:\Users...\Program1.vbai" & "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Vision Builder AI 2015\Vision Builder.exe" \inspect "C:\Users...\Program2.vbai", I was able to do this. I previously thought the part after & will only execute after program1 stops.

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