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problem sample rate vs num sample us-6001



I have a problem to make an acquisition longer than 10 sec with my NI usb-6001. My aim is to do a long acquisition to measure the wave height with a python program. But when I increase the number of sample or I decrease the sample rate, an. error message is displayed and I don't find any explication of that.


Here the message that python sends : 


""Some or all of the samples requested have not yet been acquired.
To wait for the samples to become available use a longer read timeout or read later in your program. To make the samples available sooner, increase the sample rate. If your task uses a start trigger,  make sure that your start trigger is configured correctly. It is also possible that you configured the task for external timing, and no clock was supplied. If this is the case, supply an external clock.
Property: DAQmx_Read_RelativeTo
Corresponding Value: DAQmx_Val_CurrReadPos
Property: DAQmx_Read_Offset
Corresponding Value: 0

Task Name: _unnamedTask<0>

Status Code: -200284""


I suppose it's a problem with the line with " task.timing.cfg_samp_clk_timing" but I don't find anything about that. 

Can someone help me please? 

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