Measurement Studio for .NET Languages

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Getting contour coordinates

Hi to all,

I bought Measurement Studio Pro so that I could get the 3D graph. It's an excellent tool. I am using it essentially for contour plotting in XY projection because unfortunately the 2D graphs do not have that function. That would be a great feature because a 2D contour projection would look better on your 2D graphs!


Is there any way I can get the coordinates of the points on each contour? Or does this come in the Analysis.Math class? I could not find it anywhere. Besides I could not find any decent contour detection algorithms on the web... Suggestions anyone?


Best regards,


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Hi there,

By coutour do you mean plotting the data with different colors (the color depends on the data value)? One of the new big features in Measurement Studio 2010 beta is IntensityGraph. This is what you might be looking for. Please take a look at this.


If the IntensityGraph is not what you want, please elaborate what you wanted to do (with some code snippet or snapshots of the screen will be of great help for us to understand and resolve the issue).

Vijet Patankar
National Instruments

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