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imaqdx timestamp .NET

Hello community,
in our company we develop a c# application which uses the IMAQDX driver to acquire images from a GigE camera(e.g. JAI CM-140GE).
At the moment we use (ImaqdxSession).Acquisition.GetLastImageData(ref byte[ ]) to access the image data.

I try to read the image related timestamp but due to the rare documentation for IMAQDX via .Net I only found examples for LabView.
Does anybody knows how to access the image meta data, especially the "timestamp" value, via IMAQDX / Vision Acquisition Software and .NET?

best regards


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Message 1 of 4

@Andreas_G wrote:

Hello community,
in our company we develop a c# application which uses the IMAQDX driver to acquire images from a GigE camera(e.g. JAI CM-140GE).
At the moment we use (ImaqdxSession).Acquisition.GetLastImageData(ref byte[ ]) to access the image data.

I try to read the image related timestamp but due to the rare documentation for IMAQDX via .Net I only found examples for LabView.
Does anybody knows how to access the image meta data, especially the "timestamp" value, via IMAQDX / Vision Acquisition Software and .NET?

best regards


If it can be done in LabVIEW, then you need to translate it to C#.


Perhaps you can post the VI?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hi nyc,
thanks for your response. Yesterday I found out that (ImaqdxSession).Acquisition.GetLastImage( VisionImage) supplies a VisionImage which has a CustomData property of type CustomDataDictionary.
This CustomDataDictonary contains the keys IMAQdxReceiveTimestampLow, IMAQdxReceiveTimestampHigh, IMAQdxTimestampLow and IMAQdxTimestampHigh.
Accessing this Dictionary returns an object that I tried to cast to an Int32 and also to a String, but i got a "System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException". All descriptions I found declares that the value of "TimestampLow" and "TimestampHigh" is of type Int32.
I also firured out that the library I need for the VisionImage (NationalInstruments.Vision.Common.dll) type is only available in 32Bit structure (  and

Actually we develop a x64 application without problems while using (ImaqdxSession).Acquisition.GetLastImageData(ref byte[ ]) .

Is there any other way to access the timestamp value without using this library?

The LabView code I found at this thread:

Unfortunately we don't have a LabView licene at our department, so I cant have a lock at.

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

explains how to use 32-bit assembly in a 64-bit project



You can download and use LabVIEW for 40 days!

I am not sure how long of an evaluation there is for IMAQdx software.



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