Measurement Studio for VB6

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Cannot package and deploy VB6.0/NI-DAQmx project (error429)

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Message 1 of 9

My project compiles ok but when I attempt to use the VB6.0 Package and Deployment Wizard to create a distribution package I get "unexpected error No 429" and a message that says "ActiveX component can't create object" and when I click "OK" the P&D wizard stops. I don't know where to begin to trouble shoot this.... Any suggestions welcomed (please).


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Hey vecsol,


Could you provide a screenshot of the error?

David Pratt
Group Manager for Application Engineering Specialists | Automated Test
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Hey vecsol,


Also, please verify that when you create the deployment package, you're following the instructions in the Measurement Studio Help

Start >> National Instruments >> Measurement Studio >> Help >> Measurement Studio Reference

Then in the table of contents navigate to

VB Reference Help >> Tutorials >> Distributing and Installing Measurement Studio Applications >> Distributing Programs Development with Measurement Studio for Visual Basic.


This way we can be sure you're performing the correct steps.

David Pratt
Group Manager for Application Engineering Specialists | Automated Test
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Screen shot as requested. I'll check your suggested help reference.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

More info in case it helps! I have tried to run the VB6.0 PDW on one of the NI supplied examples "AcqIntClk" with the same error 429. Could this be an incorrect installation of NIDAQmx ?

Thanks, vecsol..

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Message 6 of 9
Accepted by topic author vecsol
If you're seeing the same error on two completely different apliccations, I would recommend trying a repair of all software involved.  Perform repairs starting with the development environment, then repair the drivers last.
David Pratt
Group Manager for Application Engineering Specialists | Automated Test
Message 7 of 9
david, Thanks for helping out ! I have updated my Measurement Studio to 8.61 OK (this needed to be done anyway). I then created a new VB6.0 project with one form containing one control (a command button) with the statement "End" in its "click" event. I compiled and tested the project and then tried to run the VB6.0 PDW but get the same error number 429 (activeX control can't create object). This suggests to me that the problem has nothing to do with NI software. What should I do next ? Re-install VB6.0?
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9
Well DavidP, you were 100% correct and I apologize for wasting your time. Now that I have VB6.0 up to date with SP6, all is ok. Thanks, vecsol
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Message 9 of 9