Measurement Studio for VB6

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Mark the center point of the threshold objects in a snap picture

Refer to my attachment, how can I mark the center point of each LED in the threshold picture? I use VB Vision to build up this programSmiley Happy
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Hi Yip,


I think the Particle Analysis function in image processing category can help you.


I don't have VB development environment installed on my computer. C function should be imaqMeasureParticles.


Actually if your Vision Development Module is not evaluation version, you can prototype your algorithm in Vision Assistant. You can add the Particle Analysis step and choose "Center of Mass X" and "Center of Mass Y" as measurements in this step. Then you can convert the Vision Assistant sequence to C source code by clicking "Tools->Create C Code...". Though you use VB, the functions and their parameters are almost the same in VB and C. So you can refer to this generated code.


Sorry but I should say that too much push makes no sence here but may only make those people who would be willing to help you feel uncomfortable.

帖子被xuzheng在 09-01-2009 04:56 AM
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