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Missing Reference from NI for Tektronics TDS2014?

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Yes, as long as it is newer than your current version you should be able to install the most recent NI-488.2. 


Let me know if you experience any problems!

Patrick W.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 20



I just finished installing NI-488.2 v3.0.2, the IVI Compliance Package v4.5 (making sure that LabWindow/CVISupport was installed), the tktds1k2k oscilloscope driver v3.2, as well as TekVISA v3.3.4 (making sure that the National Instruments VISA was preserved). When trying to run my program, I get a compile error message: "Method or data member not found" when I try to write something to the oscilloscope. To be sure, I can get data and screenshots from the Tektronix's SW, and I can even communicate with the oscilloscope through the NI-488.2 Communicator feature in MAX.


ScreenHunter_01 Nov. 02 16.33.jpg


This is still progress, since everything, except for Excel, is talking to each other now.


Is there anything I might be missing from National Instruments if the Call VISA.TVC.WriteString(... command isn't working?

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 20

Looks like this might still be due to conflicts between NI VISA and TekVISA.  I would contact Tektronics support to confirm this.  How did you preserve NI-VISA?


There is definitely not anything else from National Instruments you would need to communicate with your device.  Do you require both NI VISA and TEKVISA on this machine?

Patrick W.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 20

This past Friday, I made a point to ask Tektronix just that question, and they told me that a conflict between both VISAs could definitely be the case, particularly if the oscilloscope is being held by NI-VISA Resource Manager. Does that Manager exist?

I was able to preserve NI-VISA because a window popped up during the TekVISA installation asked me.



ScreenHunter_01 Nov. 06 09.43.jpg


Based on what I heard from the person I spoke with at Tektronics, the oscilloscope can only communicate through TVC (part of TekVISA).

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 20

I'm still working on this problem (other projects got in the way). Would I be correct to assume that I should be able to operate the TDS2014 oscillscope without TekVISA being installed, assuming the all the proper NI software is installed?


I realize that this post is contradicting my previous post, but I'm really flummoxed by this problem.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 20

Yes, you should be able to use the scope with only the National Instruments software - without TekVISA.  Do you have access to another machine you can test using the scope with with only the NI drivers?  That might help us narrow down what problem we're running into.

Patrick W.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 20



I'm right now looking for a free computer to see if the problem follows the system.


In the meantime, a strange thought came to me: does the NI driver for the TDS2014 create an .olb, .tlb, .dll, or .ocx file that can be used as a reference in VB, and if so, where might I find it? Or would it be in the NIDAQmx C API (nidaqmx.tlb)?


For what it's worth, below are the references I am currently using.


ScreenHunter_01 Nov. 27 15.28.jpg


Again, I really appreciate your help on this.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 20

The driver should install a dll file to C:\Program Files\IVI\Bin.  For a bit more information on how to reference the DLL, see this link:

Patrick W.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 20

Just added the reference. While I still get the same error message, I see with the Object Browser that the .dll provides a whole bunch of commands that I may be able to use.


It's a little late for me to start experimenting, but tomorrow morning, I'll see if I can replace some of the old VISA.TVC commands with some of these new commands. I'll let you know how it goes.

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 20
Accepted by topic author Armando83

Putting in the references derived from the TDS2014 NI driver worked. With a little web research into what each command does, I've been able to recreate the initialization procedure for our system.


Thank you so much for your patient help. You're a real lifesaver!

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Message 20 of 20