Measurement Studio for VB6

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nidex32.dll File not Found VB6

I have a VB6 application that has been running without problems.  I am setting up a new PC to run this same application.  I downloaded the latest drivers for NIDAQmx (8.3), Traditional DAQ (7.4), NIDMM(2.6) and NISwitch(3.4), installed these drivers and loaded my application.  The result is nidex32.dll: File not found.  I searched my new PC for that file, and it doesn't seemed to be installed.
I uninstalled all the new drivers and installed older drivers that I've used in the past.  This time the application displayed an nidaq32.dll: File not found error.  The nidaq32.dll file was found on the PC with a search.  I found a thread on the discussion forum that addressed the nidaq32.dll file not found error,  The first thing this document suggests doing is installing the latest drivers.  It also suggests using a pal application to specify new base addresses for the nidaq32.dll driver as it may conflict with the DAQmx driver.  I specified the new base addresses as suggested in the link.  Still no success.  I reset the base address to default and decided to install the latest drivers again and determine why nidex32.dll is not being loaded on this PC.
I installed the latest drivers and found the original problem again.  Again, could not locate nidex32.dll anywhere on the hard drive.  Not sure I know which driver installs nidex32.dll, although I suspect it's the Traditional DAQ driver.
I would appreciate any suggestions on how to resolve this problem. 
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Message 1 of 3

Hi jjsomer,

Have you referenced this kb - How do you Compile and Run NI-DAQ Examples with Microsoft Visual Studio?

It sounds like you may not be including all of the libraries. Please post back if this does not resolve your issue.


Andrew S.

National Instruments

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Message 2 of 3
Thanks for the response.  This application has been running with Traditional DAQ for a few years now.  No changes have been made to the application in regards to the existing traditional daq stuff.  New code has been added, but nothing added using traditional daq.  The only other thing that has changed is the PC (new PC with latest Intel processor, originally running XP, but since has been reformatted and Win2000 has been loaded).
In direct response to your suggestion, both nidaq32.bas and nidex32.bas are included in my vb6 project.  These .bas modules contain the routine declares for access through the nidaq32.dll and nidex32.dll files.  The file nidaq32.dll can be located on my target PC (running Windows2000).  There are also registry entries when I search for nidaq32.dll in the registry.  However, the file nidex32.dll cannot be found on the target PC.  This file is definitely not installed with the latest driver installations we use (NIDAQmx 8.3, NISwitch 3.4, NIDMM 2.6).  Not sure if that is normal or not.  I probably need to check other PCs that are running this same application without problems.
I suspect it's either a PC incompatibility with the traditional daq drivers or it's a driver installation problem.  Not sure what else to try at this point other than rewrite my application using NIDAQmx rather than Traditional DAQ.  This is a bad short-term option since a rewrite will take significant time.
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Message 3 of 3