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NI PCIe-1433 Camera Link frame grabber programming using VC++

Hello, I have a Basler Camera Link-compatible camera and they use the NI PCIe-1433 Camera Link frame grabber as the image acquisition device.

Right now, I want to develop some applications on that camera and need to do programming on the NI PCIe-1433 by VC++.

So I want to know where I can find the software development kit for the NI PCIe-1433. For example, I can control the camera to grab the image by using the different functions(such as imgGrab(), or somthing like that ) from that software development kit.If there are some sample code that would be better.  

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Wrsbj,


The IMAQ functions that you mentioned are contained in the IMAQ driver, which is used to acquire from Camera Link frame grabbers. I would also check the compatibility chart, to make sure that you get the version you need. As for example programs, you can take a look at this KnowledgeBase article concerning building and running the IMAQ examples in VC++.

David S.
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Message 2 of 3

Thank you  for your tips. While I can not access the " this KnowledgeBase "

In  the webside ""

It tells  me that "


You are not authorized to view this document


So I cannot  get the examples about the C++ development kit .

Can you help me  to access the sources, or give me the examples .


Best Wishes for  you !



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