Minneapolis LabVIEW User Group

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Minneapolis LabVIEW User Group Wins LUGNUT Award at NIWeek 2016!

LugNut Award.jpg

I'm pleased to announce that our user group won the award for Most Creative Agenda at the 5th annual LUGNUT award ceremony held at NIWeek 2016. This marks the second time that our group has been recognized for planning creative agendas that entertain, engage and inspire our members. Our submission (attached) focused on the great presentation given by Andy Killorin at our December 17, 2015 meeting. Receiving this award is a testament to the creativity and dedication of the entire Minneapolis LabVIEW user community. The trophy will be presented to the group at the next scheduled user group meeting. Congratulations to all and a special "Thank You" to Eric Shaffer and Andy Killorin for providing the basis for our submission!

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Message 1 of 3

Mark, thanks for posting this update, and I also appreciate you taking the time to write up the nomination for our group.  Congratulations to the entire Minneapolis UGM, and thanks for making our group the excellent group that we have become.

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Message 2 of 3


Thanks for submitting Andy's presentation for the award. We are very proud!

Eric S.

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