Motion Control and Motor Drives

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controling bipolar stepper motors with usb NI-6008 DAC

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Thank you so much for your help! The motor runs the only thing is that there is not a change in steps even when I change the input steps in the front panel.  Does yours change?
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Message 11 of 30
No it didnt , but if it do matter with you, u could customize the block diagram panel, the reason is the while loop.
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Message 12 of 30

Dear Friends,


I want to use this stepper motor driver and stepper motor (look for attachment), It's posibble to me to use the same program that you done? I hope you can give some advice because I want to buy the stepper motor and driver if it posibble to use with usb-DAQ (NI). I'm using the NI-6212, I hope you can help in interfacing the connection of DAQ and the motor driver. Thank you very much.

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Message 13 of 30

very good, can you uploading some squematic or jpg, i think that will be great

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Message 14 of 30



I have seen your text message and I am very interested to understand how it is possible to change the speed of the motor from your VI.

I have tried to move a stepper motor with labview using different VI schemes butin any case without fortune.


The only difference is that I want to move the motor using a parallel port and not a usb port.


mato mato



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Message 15 of 30

This thread was about using one of our USB DAQ Devices, and uses the DAQmx Drivers.  A parallel port is normally used for printing, and controlling the parallel port of a computer is a very different process than controlling a DAQ Device.  Using a parallel port to control a motor might not even work because there is no deterministic timing. Here are two links with more information on using the parallel port in LabVIEW.


This is a Developer Zone Tutorial about parallel ports: IEEE 1284 - Updating the PC Parallel Port


And here is a  link on how to control the parallel port from LabVIEW: How Do I Use the Parallel Port in LabVIEW?




Matt M.


Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 16 of 30

Thanks Matt M.


for the links and the explanation.






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Message 17 of 30


In what way the frequency of digital output affect the stepper motor function

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Message 18 of 30

Hi svijay,


You have to look at the datasheet of the stepper. There is usually a maximum step rate, and sometimes maximum accelleration/decelleration requirements. Those of course vary with load drag and intertia too.  When working properly, a stepper moves exactly as driven. You sequence through 10 steps and the shaft should rotate the angle for 10 steps. However, this is generally open loop, so there are constraints within which you have to operate if you want to be assured the stepper really did what you commanded it to do.  The faster you sequence through the steps the faster the motor turns, until it loses lock and then it will usually just sit there and vibrate.





Copied and Edited From:

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 19 of 30

I understand mattM

thank u for our reply...

My last question is whether we can run the stepper motor using USB 6008 or not 

if possible what is the maximum RPM we can run it... My application requires only 5 RPM and the maximum torque required would be 1 kg cm

I gonna use D- 48- 42- B28 or  D- 48- 42- B25 the specification of above two is in following website

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Message 20 of 30