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Access to TWINCAT PLC via LabView



I want to have access to the TwinCAT PLC variables in Labview.The TwinCAT software and Labview application are running on different PC's.

In my Labview application I want to have access to the TwinCAT PLC variables. Does anyone have any idea about how to do it? or any sample examples?


Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance

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Message 1 of 3

Normally you put up a OPC Server on the Pc on which your twincat is installed. There are a number of helpful links how you can set up an OPC Server with Twincat.


This Server broadcasts the values over the network.

Once you have broadcasted the values you can use these in LabVIEW using the datasocket supervisory Controll Tookit.

Connect LabVIEW to Any PLC Using OPC

How Do I Use OPC in LabVIEW?


Once you set up the Connection you can use these Variables in LabVIEW.

How LabVIEW uses I/O servers


Be aware not all OPC Servers are supported.

Supported Device & Driver Plug-in List for NI OPC Servers



Message 2 of 3

Hey..........thanks for the reply...............useful information...................

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Message 3 of 3