Multifunction DAQ

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Analog start trigger with digital output task

Hi All!


My system - LabVIEW 8.5, PXI-6251.


I have to output sychronously 2 analog channels and 7 digital. For this purpose i use two tasks one analog and second digital.

Now to the question.

I need to start output on some level of signal wired to APFI0. So i guess that analog start trigger is good idea to use.

How can i control digital output task according to analog start trigger behavior?


Thanks in advance


Izia Elman 

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Message 1 of 2

Hello Izia,

Thank you for posting to the NI forums. It sounds like you want to use a PFI line to trigger an analog acquisition. In order to synchronize output, we need to share a time base and a start task. There are many examples in LabVIEW (Help>>Find Examples>>Hardware Input/Output>>DAQmx>>Synchronization>>Multi-Function) that can assist you. By clicking on anyone of these examples, you can view a description of it on the right side of the scree. If I am not understanding what you are trying to do, please clarify. Hope this helps!

Margaret Barrett
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Digital Multimeters and LCR Meters
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