Multifunction DAQ

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PCI-6111 does not work unless starting up MAX first


I am encountering a case which puzzles me.


Now I am PCI-6111 with PCI connection of the PC with Windows XP.

The driver versions are: Traditional NI-DAQ 7.4.4, NI-VXI 3.8.0, and NI-VISA 5.0.3.

Control program is written in legacy C++ (based on VC++ 6.0).


The control program checks PCI-6111 connection by invoking an DAQ API Get_DAQ_Device_Info(),

but it returns an unexpected value -10401, which means "Unknown Device".


However, first the user gets up MAX and then runs the control program, PCI-6111 can be controlled correctly.

Even after shut down the MAX, it can work. Even after reboot, it can.


From these observation, I think some MAX does some initalization or driver configuration, and the control program misses either or both.

However, I don't know what MAX does for the drivers at getting up.


Could anyone let me know any information about this?



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Message 2 of 8

Thanks George,


I have read the page and found an intersting statement:


"Another possible reason you might be encountering this error is because you are attempting to use Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) Driver functions to communicate with your DAQ device, but the drivers need to be reset to use the device. To reset the drivers for Traditional NI-DAQ, open Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) and under Devices and Interfaces, right click Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) Devices and select Reset driver for Traditional NI-DAQ. Keep in mind that this is only if you are using the Traditional NI-DAQ drivers.”


Can we have the only way to reset the driver by operating MAX manually? Aren't there any ways to do it automatically, i.e., by programming?



-- Neppie

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Message 3 of 8

Hi Neppie,


The "Reset driver for Traditional NI-DAQ" menu item is actually for making the device available to NI-DAQmx, so I'm not sure it would do what you want (even if it was callable from C). Try Init_DA_Brds().



Brad Keryan
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Message 4 of 8

Thanks Brad,


However, the code already invokes Init_DA_Brds() on reset process. The reset process invokes Init_DA_Brds, GPCTR_Control (to reset GP Counter), and DAQ_Clear.



-- Neppie

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Message 5 of 8

Related to the previous question, is there any documents or webpages to help learining APIs of Traditional NI-DAQ, such as API list or help map?

I googled but I could not find helpful information.



-- Neppie

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Message 6 of 8
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Message 7 of 8

Thanks and apologies for my so late responseSmiley Happy




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