Multifunction DAQ

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Powering sensors from DAQ?

I have some VDC output pressure transducers that I am looking to use with a DAQ system. I currently have a USB-6001 module, can the analog out of that device be used to power the sensor? I know something like the NI 9219 has dedicated excitation channels, but I'm not sure how different that is. 

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Message 1 of 8

I am not sure of the specifications fo rthe USB-6001 but most analog output channels can only provide 2 to 5 mA. Many sensors, especially strain gauges, require significantly more than that.


You may be able to use the +5 V output for up to 200 mA or more but this often has a lot of noise from the switching of the digital circuits inside the device.



Message 2 of 8

Ah ok, thats about what I had figured. So modules like the 9219 have more robust/ioslated power supplies to provide the excitation for the sensors? Are there any DAQ modules that integrate the analog input circuitry and a dedicated power supply? 

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Message 3 of 8

I am not familiar with the 9219 but I think that devices which provide power for excitation have dedicated circuits for that purpose.


If you are asking about a device which can provide power at variable voltages, I think you may want to look at Source-Measure devices.



Message 4 of 8
there is always power supplies terminal in many of DAQ but I think is is better to do not use it as it possible to use extra power supplies for sensors because
many times it increase noise on DAQ and also could damage your card although you have power supplies terminal in your cards there is limitation to it and esp for unknown sensors and system that you do not have enough information about current usage of system and sensor and their feedbacks you could destroy your data and DAQ
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Message 5 of 8

I don't nesscessarily need a device to precisley control the output voltage (my digging into source measure units makes it seem like they are overkill). I'm more just trying to find a unit performs both the analog in DAQ function, as well as providing the properly stable/isolated Excitation power supply. Essentially I'd prefer to just have one "DAQ Box" plugged into my computer running labivew, rather than a DAQ plugged into a computer in addition to a Benchtop power supply plugged into the wall. 

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Message 6 of 8

ok it is related information about 6001 I hope it could help you


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Message 7 of 8

also see if this out put voltage and current  in your sensor required voltage range 

6001 b.jpg

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Message 8 of 8