Multifunction DAQ

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Route cannot be satisfied

I have been reading up on this for two days and can not figure out how to make it happy.  Here is what I am trying to do and the resulting error.   


I have two PXIe-6368 daq cards in a NI 1082 chassis with a 8133 controller running LV 2012 with everything up to date.


I have one counter(Ctr0) making a single pulse every 500ms or so to make a T0  or time zero pulse.  This is routed to PFI12.

I have ctr1 looking for that pulse to occur, delaying it and then outputting a delayed single pulse to PFI13. 


I then use the T0 pulse to trigger the analog input channels data collection using PIF0 as an external trigger source and connecting PFI12 to PFI0 physically.   As long as I only get samples from one card I am fine and it all works.   If I try to add AI channels from the second card to the same task so they are in sync then I get the below error.  I understand that there is a routing conflict but I can not figure out what will fix it.   I need the Acq(AI) task to be synced and I need the T0 and DlyTask  tasks to run before the Acq task or there will be no triggers.


Error -89137 occurred at DAQmx Start

Possible reason(s):

Specified route cannot be satisfied, because it requires resources that are currently in use by another route.

Property: RefClk.Src
Source Device: PXI1Slot2
Source Terminal: PXIe_Clk100

Required Resources in Use by
Task Name: DlyTask
Source Device: PXI1Slot2
Source Terminal: None
Destination Device: PXI1Slot2
Destination Terminal: RefClockInternal

Required Resources Also in Use by
Task Name: T0
Source Device: PXI1Slot2
Source Terminal: None
Destination Device: PXI1Slot2
Destination Terminal: RefClockInternal

Task Name: Acq

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Are you able to post a screenshot (or snippet) of your block diagram, so we can see how are you configuring the AI & counters, so on...

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Message 2 of 3

Ok after much wiggling things around I was able to isolate the two bits of code.  I guess this is where I have to show how little I know about writing good code.


As said before...  If I set the channels in the AcqLoop to one or all AI channels on either card it is fine and everything runs.  If I add one or all AI channels from both cards to the task I get the above error.

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