Multifunction DAQ

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Running Labview 8.2 with MyDaq, I get error code 10401.

specified device is not a National Instruments product,

the driver does not support the device (for example, the
driver was released

before the device was supported), or the device has not been
configured using the

Measurement  & Automation

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Message 1 of 2

Hi MAE170,


The earliest available version of DAQmx that supports myDAQ is 9.1.7.  Unfortunately, LabVIEW 8.2 support was last included in DAQmx 9.1.1 (see here).



If you have access to a more recent version of LabVIEW I'd suggest using that instead along with the updated DAQmx driver.



If not, then you should be able to get myDAQ to work by doing the following (in order!):


1.  Install DAQmx 9.1.1 from here.  This will include DAQmx support for LV 8.2, but does not have any support for the myDAQ hardware.


2.  Install DAQmx 9.1.7 Run Time Engine from here.  This doesn't include API support so it won't overwrite your LabVIEW support, but it will update the core component of DAQmx which should give you myDAQ support.


After running the above two installers, you should be able to use the LabVIEW functions from DAQmx 9.1.1, but the underlying driver will be DAQmx 9.1.7 which has myDAQ support.  Keep in mind that this has not been tested by NI and any discrepancies between the API and the underlying code in the DAQmx core driver could result in errors.  However, I would expect most (if not all) functionality to work without significant issues.



Best Regards,

John Passiak
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