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Using USB Daq device within Windows 7 XP mode

Hello all


I must develop an application with LabView using serial ports and USB daq device (USB-6009). I use Labview version (8.6.1), my customer version.

Since this week, I change my PC for a new one with Win7. I did tests in the past, installing LV in the integrated "XP mode" of win7, without any problem, serial ports are working and using LV was possible.


Today I just connect the USB-6009. MAX can see it in WIn7, wonderful... In XP mode, I can link the USB-6009 from the main VM window, but MAX also installed in the XP mode VM,cannot see it :-(((.

If I look in the hardware of the VM, it can see the device, but faulty. Message says "this device cannot work (error 10)"... I use Daqmx 9.3.5.


Maybe this is definitely not forseen to use a daq USB device within XP mode of Win7? Did I do something wrong?


Does anyone have any solution or information about this problem?




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I've got a handful of 6008s that have been bricked from using XP-mode in 7.  Not sure what happened, but they don't power up or enumerate at all. 


Personally i'd stick with an XP box for doing development on with that labview version... that whole XP-mode/7 interaction doesn't work well with USB devices in my experience.


Edit: Here's the thread about what I was experiencing a few months ago:

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Message 2 of 4

Hello Christophe,


NI-DAQmx devices are not supported in virtualized OSes like Windows XP Mode.  This is because the way USB communication is handled on virtualized OSes is typically only optimized for Human Interface Devices or Mass Storage devices and not devices that require much higher performance, such as USB DAQ devices.


Unfortunatly, you'll need to develope directly in Windows 7 if you intend to use an NI-DAQmx devices.



Seth B.
Principal Test Engineer | National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
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Message 3 of 4

Thanks very much guys for your answers, you confirmed my doubts...


I will use a new disk with XP and a dual boot.

I just jump to 7 a little bit too early, my fault 😞 .



So, message for all developpers, go to 7 with care!!!!

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