Multifunction DAQ

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cDAQ-9174 with NI-9264 and NI-9211 not showing up in MAX with DAQmx 9.3

I'm running Windows XP SP3 on a VirtualBox VM on OSX 10.6.8 and I can't get a CompactDAQ chassis and the two modules inside to appear in MAX or LabView. I installed DAQmx 9.3 and enabled USB 2.0 on VirtualBox, but it isn't showing up in MAX, and I can't manually configure it either. Is this a problem with USB communication between OSX and the VM or could it be a different issue?

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Using Virtual Machines with NI-DAQmx isn't officially supported.  We've seen numerous issues with how virtual machines handle USB communication and most often the implementation violates the USB spec.  I haven't seen many instances of USB DAQ devices working on virtual machines.


I would recommend using Boot Camp to boot into Windows natively and controlling your device that way.

Seth B.
Principal Test Engineer | National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
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