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cDaq 9174 Device driver problems. Error: "windows could not load installer for this daqdevice"

After a recent crash, and hard drive replacement, I've been attempting to restore my set of NI tools back to functionality.


I currently have all of my devices working except for my cDAQ-9174.  I've installed multiple version of the NI-DAQmx software, beginning with 9.1, the version that came with the the device.  I've also tried 9.4, and most recently 9.5 (Each time uninstalling via the add/remove software control panel).


In all attempts the installer fails (for various reasons, it seems).  The only error I receive with 9.5 relates to not being able to install the associated SXCI software.  With 9.1 and 9.4 a similar error regarding the MIO appears.  If I choose to continue, upon finishing the installation process, I am told by the installer that it failed and that I should address the problem and try again. Though I'm never told what the problem actually is.


Some pertinent info:


Windows XP professional, x64. Version 2003, SP 2

Labview 2010

Measurement & Automation 5.1


When I try to view the device in Control Panels > System > Hardware > Device Manager, cDAQ 9174 has a an exclamation mark.  When I attempt to update the driver via the device manager an error message is displayed reading:

    "Windows could not load the installer for DAQDevice. Contact your hardware vendor for assistance."


There are a few other posts on this topic, though they are rather old, one almost a decade.  However, following as closely as I can, in principle, has yielded no success. 


The device driver shows up in Measurement & Automation under software, listed as: "NI-DAQmx Device Driver 9.5"

it is version 9.50f2


Does anyone have any advice on how I can attempt to fix this?


I believe my next step is a complete uninstall and reinstall (will be the second).


Thank you very much for any help. And please let me know if I can provide any other info that may be helpful.




Mike B.


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Hi Mike,


Unfortunately, Windows XP 64 bit isn't an officially compatible system. This may not be ideal, but my best suggestion is switching to either XP 32 bit or Windows 7 64 bit.

Josh Y.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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