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cdaq 9174 driver installation problem

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I'm a new LabVIEW user and just received our first hardware shipement todya of 2 x cDaq 9174's with some analog I/O.


I've been trying to install the driver for several hours with no success. At the start of the installation I get an error message that says :


"This installer needs to access 'My Pictures' However this location XXX  is not available. Ensure that this directory exists and is available and run the installer again".


Firstly, the My Pictures folder was pointing to a NAS drive where all of our company pictures are located (which was the N drive) - so I repointed it to the normal C drive location but it is still giving me an error message and trying to find the folder in the N drive instead of C (and yes, I've tried rebooting).


Secondly, the location was available, as I opened it through explorer without any problem.


Thirdly, why would a driver fail to install just because it couldn't access a My Pictures folder??


Any help would be much appreciated.   

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Doug_1970

Hi Doug_1970,


There maybe a registry key that is still pointing to the NAS drive. Try using the following Microsoft Fix it tool, restart, then install DAQmx.

Steven K.
National Instruments
Software Engineer
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Message 2 of 3



Thanks for the quick reply - I have done as you suggested and now have succesfully installed the driver.


If I reset the My Pictures folder to go back to our NAS drive instead of my C drive, will I experience any more issues?



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