Multifunction DAQ

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hardware timed digital input and output 6534



I need to read data from a SRAM chip and I am using a 6534 and a HSDIO 32. I use 6534's port2 for the control lines for the SRAM (task name "EMI control"),  6534's port0 and 1 for reading the 16-bit wide data word from hte SRAM (task neme "SRAM address"), and HSDIO32's port 0 and 1 to write the 16-bit wide address word to the SRAM (task name "SRAM data").

I need to read and write those lines synchronously to get meaningful data. In particular I need to implement the timing diagram attached below.

So I thought I could create the digital waveforms for the EMI control and the SRAM address and write them synchrounously using the same clock. AT the same time, I have a read tak go "look at the data" every 2.5 samples sent to the DO.


I am having lots of problems: I'm not sure how to have all read and write tasks to start at the same time, I don't understand how to ensure I read at the right time, I get all sort of errors (including one without description...???)


I am attaching my VI too....which is not working...


Very grateful for ANY help...


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Have you taken a look at the example program called "Multi-Function-Synch Dig Read Write With"  This VI shows you you can use a counter to ensure all of your tasks are synchronied.  What is "Create Address one.VI"?  It is missing from the VI.  Can you try to reduce your application to specific problems?

Jason Daming
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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No I didn't look at it becasue it wouldn't work with my hardware.  But I went and looked at it, and maybe it is worthwhile to use a different board and use the counters.  I am looking at PCI-6254..   

In the mean time, I could properly run the code I posted with simulated boards, but not with the real ones, which cause an 'Internal software error' requiring to call NI.  I am working with somebody from support to understand what the issue is.


Thanks for the suggestion, though.


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