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unsupported module error with cDAQ 9174 and 9207module

unsupported module means i cant use 9207 module in cDAQ 9174? is it hardware problem? not software?

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Message 1 of 5

NI-9207 is compatible with cDAQ-9174. Reference: C Series Module and CompactDAQ or CompactRIO Hardware Compatibility with LabVIEW

What are your Windows and NI-DAQmx driver versions?

Control Lead | Intelline Inc
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Message 2 of 5

hi, thank you for your reply

this is my computer and program setting 

1. window10 

2. labview2015 32bit

3. daqmx 15 version

I have a question

when I use daqmx 15version, I can use DAQmx assistance for measuring flow rate in labview but I can't use  ni9207 module with unsupported module message.

so I upgrade daqmx 15 to 18.6 then DAQmx assistance couldnt use in labview it disappeared but ni9207 connected, in ni max I can check. 
1. should I downgrade version of daqmx? which version can capable to labview15 32bit ,cDAQ9174 and 9207module?

2. or is there other problem in my setting? 

I can't upgrade my labview version cause my school license 

I want to measure flow rate 



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Message 3 of 5

I always recommend using the latest supported version, which is NI-DAQmx 18.6 in your case.

I also don't recommend using DAQ Assistant. Use NI-DAQmx API instead. See How to Search DAQmx Examples in LabVIEW

Control Lead | Intelline Inc
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Message 4 of 5

I appreciate it 

ill do 

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Message 5 of 5