Multifunction DAQ

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waveform generation corrupted

I'm generating an arbitrary waveform , something like AM modulated sinewave. At the end of waveform generation the output is corrupted and go flat-line some time and then come back to normal.
Waveform graph shows the good signal , only the DAQ output is bad.

Any help would be greatly appreciated




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Message 1 of 3

Hi Sasa,


Can you please provide some more insight into what your application is?  What devices are you using? What is the DAQ output supposed to look like?

Are you currently using example programs?  I would like to try and recreate this behavior to see what is actually happening. 



Jordan F
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

HEllo Jordan F,


Thank you for reply. In mean time  I solve the problem.

It was a problem with glitch energy od analog out. When I put a LF filter works fine.


Thanks again



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