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First generation ELVIS power connection

Please advise power connection pins designation for first generation ELVIS, see picture. The hardware manual has no information about it other than calling it for some reason AC-DC connector. Thank you.

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Message 1 of 5

Hi ap2018, the ELVIS I has been end-of-life since 2013, and NI unfortunately does not sell the power supply for the ELVIS I (PS01). Please see this notice for more information:

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Message 2 of 5

Thank you for quick response. I am aware that ELVIS reached out of life state. My question was what is power connector pins designation. Quick look at schematic will resolve this, I am sure that NI has all necessary documentation archives to look it up. BTW, NI still offers power supply for this ELVIS, see attachment

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Message 3 of 5

Bumping this topic - I have acquired one of these units for hobby use.  It could be very nice but there is no power supply.  Examining the PCB shows no helpful silkscreen and circuit tracing is not easy due to multilayers and SMD parts.


Since this is well EOL but still useful for the hobbyist community, it would be a nice gesture if NI would publish the power supply pinout - as pictured by the OP.


Thanks NI!


(OP - did you every discover this pinout - if so would you please post?)


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Message 4 of 5

OK, found it.  Here is a pic of the original power pack with pinout.  I have verified that the ELVIS 1 works with this.  Hope it may help others.

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Message 5 of 5