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URGENT!!! easy projects that use some sort of transducer

Hi everyone!

I am fairly new to LabVIEW....  I have to do a final project for my class and I need help!   We have to use some sort of transducer, connect it to NI Elvis, and then recieve the data on LabVIEW.  I planned on making a breathalyzer using a MQ 3 gas sensor.  I have made the circuit, but I don't know what to do then....I did put a DAQ assistant in the block diagram and then...I got kinda stuck.  First of all I am not real sure what the output is from the MQ3  I believe it is volts.  Then I tried to run it (in Volts) and the only result I could get is about -5.3V.  If anyone has any idea of what I should do or what program I should write let me know.  Also on the MQ3 site it says to calibrate it to 0.4mg/L (I think-or something like that and I don't know what to do to calibrate it)  


Does anyone have an idea for a easy project that uses LabVIEW and transducers....something that I could easily find parts for within the school or at radioshack would be best---I have to have it done within two weeks!!!!



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Message 1 of 2

First verify your analog signal with a mulitmeter.

Then check that the Ground in correctly connected to the Analog Ground on Elvis.


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