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Welcome to the IP Integration Node


Thank you for the response.  I am currently going through my code and commenting out different sections in order to find the problem.  I wanted to bring up that I have already checked my syntax in ISE and I don't have any compilation errors in ModelSIM.  Do you know which type of expressions or lack of expressions would cause this error?



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Message 31 of 69


My problem is occuring because of the DSP48E instantiations that I am using.   Please note that I am using the UNISIM library along with these instantiations:

Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

I'll keep you updated.  Thanks for your help.

0 Kudos
Message 32 of 69

It will be interesting to know what you find out. I know others have been successful simulating the DSP48 block. FYI: we are using features of ISIM to provide the simulation: You might be able to use ISIM outside of LV to help narrow down the problem faster...

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Message 33 of 69

I've recently obtained a new laptop, and in my efforts to use the IP Integration node I'm seeing the same problem numerous times.  When I open a file that contains the IP integration node, the error says that "The procedure entry point (entry point name) ccould not be located in the dynamic link library libPortability.dll."

I've attached a screenshot of my error.

Additionally, once I have the VI open.  I can double click on the IP integration node and open the configuration window, but the window is blank. 

Any ideas?

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Message 34 of 69

It seemed like some errors occurred when loading DLLs. Maybe you can check the environment variables to see if the following environment variables were set correctly:

XILINX = <NIFPGA Folder>\Xilinx\ISE, for example: XILINX = D:\NIFPGA2009\Xilinx\ISE

Path = %XILINX%\lib\nt; %XILINX%\bin\nt; <original Path value>

We'll resolve the environment variable issues during productizing this feature.

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Message 35 of 69

Everything seems to be fine with the environment variables.  I checked them against the environment variables in the lab and they are identical.  Any more suggestions?

0 Kudos
Message 36 of 69

Problem fixed!  All I did was uninstall the ISE design suite, uninstall the IP Integration node, and re-install the IP Integration node.  Based on my experience, the order of installation is what fixed this issue.  On previous installations, I always had LabVIEW installed before I had Xilinx installed.   This time I had Xilinx installed first and it caused the IP integration node failure.
0 Kudos
Message 37 of 69


is there any way to implement DWT/STFT in labview fpga. is any IP available?



0 Kudos
Message 38 of 69

Hi sed_y,

We don't have DWT and STFT in LabVIEW FPGA now. It is possible that some 3rd party companies have such IPs. If you buy their IPs, you can integrate it to LabVIEW FPGA with IP Integration Node.

We now have the FFT and Window node in LabVIEW FPGA, is it possible for you to build the DWT and STFT by yourself?

P.S. Would you let us know your use case? We have been collecting use cases to see whether we should develop the wavelet and time-frequency related nodes.

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Message 39 of 69

I've tried installing the IP Integration Node but no matter where I look for it I can't find it in my palettes or the program files directory. Has this happened to anyone before and if so is there a fix?

-Tim S.

Tim Sileo
RF Applications Engineer
National Instruments

You don’t stop running because you get old. You get old because you stop running. -Jack Kirk, From "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall.
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Message 40 of 69