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Communicating with an HID Device on cRIO

I have an NI cRIO-9033 device, and an external device I am trying to communicate with over USB-HID. I am using the hidapi library linked below. I have built this library into a .SO file (see bottom link for procedure on building the .SO file), and calls to the library seem to execute without error, so I believe that part is working correctly. 


However, when I try to actually connect to my device, the hid_open command returns a 0 indicating that the device was not found. The hid_open command accepts a VID and PID as input parameters - I have these properly defined and have used them to communicate with the device on a windows machine.


I added a .rules file to the \etc\udev\rules.d directory, named 10-local.rules, as well as a duplicate one named 95-local.rules. (I have found different recommendations on what naming convention to use, so I tried both) The content of the rules file is below.


SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0451", ATTRS{idProduct}=="C900", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0666"


When I plug the device into the cRIO, and run 'lsusb' from an SSH terminal, I get the following output - note that bus 001 device 004 shows the proper VID/PID combo, so it does seem like the cRIO is recognizing the device.


Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:2240
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0451:c900
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002


So far, I had mostly been running in the development environment through the LabVIEW project, but have also tried building a simple test panel into a startup exe, deployed and run, and I get the same result - no device found. 


Anyone have any ideas? Direction to go, things to test? I'm a bit out of my element here working with Linux, so any help is greatly appreciated.

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Completely guessing here, but Linux is case-sensitive. Try using "c900" instead of "C900"

Charlie J.
National Instruments
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