NI Linux Real-Time Discussions

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I need lock external access

Hi all,

How can i do in Linux RT?

In particular i need to:

Disable labview project access to all


Check that Start startup setting is ok for me

i must make this from external application.

Where and how can i find those information?

i find "ni-rt.ini" in "/etc/natinst/share" but there isn't "Disable labview project access"

any idea?

thanks in advance

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 17

You already found the file... /etc/natinst/share/ni-rt.ini



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 17

@DAQjr, I don't recommend editing ni-rt.ini by hand.

There is a "LabVIEW Project Access" setting on the target configuration. You can see it in MAX or WIF (browse to your target in a web browser). There is a way to configure it programmatically as well, but it's not exposed in the palettes. I have asked the team responsible if there's a reason for that, and I'll update this thread when I know more.

@Valbo10, when you say you want to "Check that Start startup setting is ok for me", what do you need to check specifically, just that the deployed RT app is properly enabled? You can query that using the system configuration API, for example in the Measurement I/O>>System Configuration>>Hardware palette there is a property node with a boolean reflecting this setting:


Message 3 of 17

Thank you ScotSalmon,

I understand. Where can i find examples about to how to use"Measurement I/O>>System Configuration>>Hardware palette"?

How can i do to enable Startup Setting only admin users?

I see that if I don't install "Hardware Configuration Web Support", from MAX all users can modify this parameter.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 17
Where can i find examples about to how to use"Measurement I/O>>System Configuration>>Hardware palette"?

NI System Configuration examples are located here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2014\examples\nisyscfg

How can i do to enable Startup Setting only admin users?

You have to do 2 things:

  1. Change the default admin password for the target, so it is no longer blank
  2. Remove "everyone" from the "SetSystemConfiguration" permission
    • You do this from the same "Security Configuration" page you changed the admin password
    • Click on the "Permissions" tab
    • Find the "SetSystemConfiguration" permission on the list of the left
    • Select "everyone" from the "These groups have this permission" and click the Remove button
    • Click "Save" button at the bottom of the page

For more information on account management:

Daniel Jaramillo
National Instruments
Message 5 of 17


the examples are not clear for me. when i try to set a stratup setting i have an error.

I have other question.

it is possible to see by shell users, group, and permissions that i have set.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 17

What error code do you get? What is the description for the error if you go to the LabVIEW menu and select Help >> Explain Error ?

Daniel Jaramillo
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 17

Here is a simple example on how to use NI System Configuration API to change Startup Settings of a remote Real-Time controller.


Daniel Jaramillo
National Instruments
Message 8 of 17

your example is clear. Thank you.

my error code is -2147220623.

i have this error only if i connect wires of IP reset and UI Destop Environment.

if i call function but i don't connect those wires, it is ok.

Is it normal?


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 17

it is possible to see by shell users, group, and permissions that i have set.

You could get a list of NIAuth users and groups in a C program by calling getpwnam_r() and getgrnam_r(), and then run that program from a shell. These two functions will also return Linux accounts (mail, news, nobody, etc.) in addition to NIAuth accounts, but you can filter out NIAuth account by their 10000+ UIDs and GIDs. The only non-unique NIAuth accounts are admin (user) and administrators (group), which have 0 UID/GID.

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Message 10 of 17