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Saving pictures on Linux cRIO leveraging Linux tools/programs/etc.

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Yep, that script looks legitimate.

As a side note, congrats on installing gnuplot through opkg on the commandline! That's pretty impressive for someone who's only gotten two days worth of experience drinking from the firehose!

Google is your friend, if you haven't already picked up on that (read: you're not alone in doing $RANDOM_THING_ON_LINUX)

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 13

Drinking from the firehose is right.

I found gnuplot as a .tar and extracted it in Fedora to a .pkg. But once I moved that over to the 9033 it wouldn't install. All the documentation I have found regarding the Linux cRIOs had references to opkg installing .ipk's. I tried to find a .ipk of gnuplot, but finally gave up and just connected my 9033 to the Internet and did a bunch of stuff to finally get it to load through opkg install. I am going to wipe the cRIO and try to repeat the process and then probably capture that in a document to post here.

Lastly I'll add a bunch of stuff to the script to make the plot prettier for insertion into our records.

However, I've had enough fun for this week.

Thanks again!

Doug Ferguson
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13


I found gnuplot as a .tar and extracted it in Fedora to a .pkg. But once I moved that over to the 9033 it wouldn't install. All the documentation I have found regarding the Linux cRIOs had references to opkg installing .ipk's. I tried to find a .ipk of gnuplot, but finally gave up and just connected my 9033 to the Internet and did a bunch of stuff to finally get it to load through opkg install. 

Different cpu architecture, different platform, won't work.

You'll have to compile it for the cRIO target (using the correct toolchain for that target).


Yet another reason for having a fully automatized deployment of an development/build environment for the cRIOs:

Linux Embedded / Kernel Hacker / BSP / Driver development / Systems engineering
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Message 13 of 13